Camera V1 Documentation
To help monitor traffic, ODOT employs cameras at various locations.
The camera endpoints display snapshots from the cameras, which update once every 5 seconds.
Cameras may be fixed to see a certain position or they may have PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) functionality.

Resource accepts all default Filters
Resource data is returned as an API Result model for valid requests or an Error Result model for failed requests.
For an example of how to call this resource, see Swagger details.
What is a Link?
Camera model represents an ODOT monitored camera site where one or more camera devices may exist
- Links ( Array[Link] )
- Id ( String )
- Latitude ( Double )
- Longitude ( Double )
- Location ( String ) Camera road or intersection
- Description ( String ) Camera location and type information
- CameraViews ( Array[CameraView] ) List of camera views (There can be one or more cameras a site)
Camera View
CameraView model represents a physical camera
- Direction ( String ) Direction the camera is facing. PTZ stands for Pan, Tilt, and Zoom meaning the camera has no fixed position.
- SmallUrl ( String ) URL link to the camera images. Image snapshots are updated every 5 seconds.
- LargeUrl ( String ) URL link to the larger camera images. Image snapshots are updated every 5 seconds.
- MainRoute ( String ) The main road/intersection this camera is intended to watch